Start using Landmarks to build your spatial cognition experiments in Unity3d!
Author: Michael Starrett
Now taking graduate student applications for Fall of 2019 at University of Arizona!
The Human Spatial Cognition Lab is seeking Ph.D. students! We currently have several funded projects on navigation and memory involving scalp and intracranial EEG, fMRI, and patient work! Please also feel free to contact Arne with more questions, Please apply through the University of Arizona Psychology website:
The SCL has moved to the University of Arizona
Our lab has moved to the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona and are currently seeking applications for a postdoc position and a research specialist (lab manager) position.
New book on human spatial navigation
Human Spatial Navigation book by Ekstrom, Spiers, Bohbot and Rosenbaum to be released August 7th! This book is intended to be an introduction to human navigation for the interested student and reader. To preorder a copy, please go to:
PhD Conferred – Dr. Jared D. Stokes
Congratulations to SCL graduate, Dr. Jared Stokes on completing his PhD and filing his dissertation! Jared is currently working with Dr. Julie Schweitzer and Dr. Joy Geng at the UC, Davis MIND institute.