New article published in Cognition by Aiden Arnold showing that mental simulation of routes during navigation involves adaptive temporal compression!
Category: Papers
New Papers Published
New paper in eLife shows spatial remapping in the human hippocampus!
New Papers Published
New paper in Neuropsychologia shows medial temporal lobe damage in humans impairs spatial precision but not the ability to use distal cues on the virtual Morris Water Maze!
New paper published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience!
New paper by graduate student Jared Stokes demonstrates roles for CA3/DG in pattern separation and completion during a novel spatial learning paradigm. Jared’s paper also suggests a new role for CA1 in binding geometric templates with existing memories stored in CA3/DG!
Wherefor art thou, cognitive map? New review paper published
The hippocampus has long been thought to house the neural mechanisms necessary for encoding a cognitive map of spatial environments. However, recent research in humans suggests that cognitive maps may be more distributed throughout the brain. The Spatial Cognition Lab recently published a review on this topic. Find out more here.