New Methods Paper “In Press” at Behavior Research Methods

A manuscript detailing the HSC lab’s Landmarks Unity package has been accepted for publication at Behavior Research Methods. Landmarks provides a flexible, user-friendly way to build 3D, VR-compatible experiments with no programming requirements.  View the accepted manuscript or check out the public GitHub repository to learn more about Landmarks. Manuscript link: GitHub link:

POSITION AVAILABLE – Postdoctoral fellowship

The human spatial cognition lab is seeking a postdoc! The Human Spatial Cognition Lab at The University of Arizona Psychology Department is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to work with the PI, Arne Ekstrom, involving fMRI, spatial navigation, and episodic memory. The applicant should have a Ph.D. in neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science, or possibly bioengineering, with relevant past experience in a research lab. Qualified applicants should email adekstrom AT for more info and direct any questions about the position to to him as well.