A perspective paper by graduate student Mike Starrett and Dr. Ekstrom was recently published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience and is currently available online, here.
Author: Michael Starrett
Ph.D.s conferred!
SCL neuroscience graduate students Dr. Millie Copara and Dr. Amber Schedlbauer recently graduated with their doctoral degrees in Neuroscience from UC, Davis. We would like to congratulate and thank each of them for all of their hard work and contributions throughout their graduate careers.
SCL participating in UC, Davis mentor-mentee program
Congratulations to psychology graduate student Mike Starrett on being accepted to the UC, Davis Mentor-Mentee Program in Humanities, Arts, Cultural Studies and Social Science. Mike will be working with a UC, Davis undergraduate student on a research project during the 2018 Winter and Spring quarters. Learn more about the program here!
Updated pub list!
Please have a look at our newly updated list of lab publications. The page now includes in press articles through October 2017!
New review published in the Journal of Neurophysiology
Dr. Ekstrom, postdoc Derek Huffman, and graduate student Michael Starrett propose a model of interacting networks supporting spatial cognition and navigation based on previous findings from both animal and human literature. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00531.2017